Some of us may be suffering from lack of sleep, a biproduct resulting from all the late nights and even stress during the holiday season. Steer clear of erratic sleep patterns and make sure to bring back a healthy sleep schedule, getting your mind and body some well-deserved rest. Go to sleep at the same time every evening and wake up at the same time every morning – even during the weekend! The outcome is that our bodily functions and cycles operate efficiently, keeping our system strong and energized. Wonderful – and extremely important – things happen while we sleep, as quality sleep can cause our hormone levels to balance out, the immune system to improve, while enhancing our energy levels.Also remember – our skin naturally repairs while we sleep. It turns out that beauty sleep really is a ‘thing’, as our skin rests and repairs itself; removing toxins, repairing cells and environmental damage, while replacing aging skin cells and creating new ones. Getting a good 8-hour sleep is very important to this overnight repair process as it allows enough time for your skin to heal itself from the day’s damage, ensuring that you wake up looking fresh and feeling rested.